Thursday, June 14, 2012

DV Dolce Vita Archer... Target Style

I've been swooning over these DV Dolce Vita Archer Flats forever! Well since i I saw Finichia wearing them. Aren't they cute?!!  Perfect neon accent for the summer. To bad i'm willing to shell out $70 bucks for them.  So, imagine how shocked I was when I saw the perfect duplicate in Tarjay! For wait for it............... 14.99!!! They aren't a perfect copy which is even better. I don't want to look like i'm wearing knock-offs lol!

Thanks for reading! More blogs to come...

Monday, June 11, 2012

BBQ in the Park!

It's been so long since I last posted. I'm still trying to figure out if blogging is for me. I always start things and then don't finish. Having so many GREAT ideas but never really take the next step. Procrastination at its best! Such a horrible trait but I digress. I love clothes and shopping but have yet to figure out how I can make money doing what I LOVE. 

Anyway, I went to a BBQ this weekend and this is what I wore.

Dress and sandals are from Ross.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Casual Cute Thrift Adventures!

Last weekend my family and I took a mini vacation to Reno, Nevada. No matter where I go, I have to hit the mall and at least 1 thrift store. So the Goodwill was the move lol. This is what I bought..... 

2 blazers (red and pink) denim shirt, metallic silver blouse (my fab), argyle cardigan. I love all my pieces. It was as cheap as I expected but it was still worth it!

Until next time.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Casual Cutie of the Night!

Stepped out with my sister this weekend. We went to her bestie's BDay bash @ Club Neo. This is what I wore.  All black, pearls and red lips! Owwwwww lol

Blouse & Necklace- Forever 21, Faux leather leggings-K-Mart ( yes Kmart lol) Wedges-Marshalls

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Casual Cute Outfit of the day!

I really can't believe I'm blogging! I never thought I'd go through with it, But here I am!! This outfit isn't from today, because I was what I call "bummy chic" lol. So no pictures were taken. Hope you like!

Denim tunic- Cotton On ($9.99), Leggings-H&M (9.99), Faux fur- H&M (17.99) Boots- Bakers

My Journey Begins

Hey Cuties! My name is Yousanie. Some call me You-You, Sanie, or Skooz. I've been a quiet fashion lover for long time. I love all things casual and cute, unless I'm hitting the streets, lol. I'm really just here to show you can still be cute while dressed casual. You don't have to wear heels or break the bank to be stylish. Casual and Cute!